Friday, October 28, 2016

Hello Foote Community,

Today I'm discussing an article that speaks to the value of teaching your child emotional agility, the ability to recognize and manage their emotional world. The term often used when discussing older children is emotional intelligence. Four steps were suggested; 1)Feel it (give your child permission to experience it). This can be harder than you might think depending on ones own comfort with experiencing their own emotions and how "reasonable" you think the emotion is.  2) Show it. Can be difficult for a parent to give permission if they feel the expression of the emotion is "disrespectful"
or "unwarranted". 3) Label it. Helping your child label their emotions will likely take time and effort. Often you'll get "I don't know" or only the big emotions like anger and sadness. Giving them other choices (with the description) will be helpful.  4) Watch it Go. Help them recognize that emotions aren't static, they move (e-motion) through, they are impermanent. There is no need to be so scared of certain emotions, they will pass.  Finally I briefly discuss the importance of introducing coping strategies to your children; exercise, art, journaling, breathing, stretching, laughter, nature etc. Let them know and experience the fact that they can effectively navigate their wonderful and interesting emotions.


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